Hearts for New Yorkers - Beneficial Project

Hearts for New Yorkers - Beneficial Project
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About this project

7% of New York State (NYS) adults have been told by a doctor that they have had a heart attack, angina, and/or stroke. Coronary heart disease is the number one killer in NYS, and congestive heart failure is one of the fastest-growing subgroups of CVD. St. Philip Neri Medical Institute builts a capacity for a pay free assessment, consultation, and education about proper self-management of cardiovascular and pain increasing diseases for underserved/uninsured people in Nyack, NY.
"Hearts for New Yorkers" is a project to give an opportunity for underserved people living in New York state to go for free lipid panel tests, free examination by physicians and recommendations from healthcare professionals how to effectively apply self-management of cardiovascular risk in their lives and decrease the cardiovascular risk of death. The project is designed to pay a test for 100 risky underinsured New Yorkers and buy an ECG machine for a free pay clinic.
Our activities are not focused on individual one-time examination, but we try to equip our partner clinics and make them suitable to perform modern tests and investigation for free for all underserved people coming from New York State.
The project's goals are:
- to give an opportunity for 100 people to go for a lipid panel lab test,
- to consult the results of tests with healthcare professionals
- to achieve the individual recommendation for self-management of cardiovascular risk 
- buy an ECG device for a free pay outpatient clinic in Rockland County.
If you do not have $10 for a donation, please share this message. Maybe some of your friends can and want to support this beneficial project.
Team of St. Philip Neri Healing Ministries, Inc.
175 Route 340
10976 Sparkill, NY
All donations will be used for the declared purpose according to the conditions of Globalgiving.org. If you donate to this project or have donated to this project, you will get an e-mail when this project posts a report.


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Healing Ministries Inc.

175 Road 340 Sparkill, NY, 10976

Office: 001-845-365-2279